Privacy Policy

The personal information submitted voluntarily by you is stored in encrypted form on our servers and will be used solely for the purpose of the site, without being disclosed in any form to third parties without your consent.

Your personal data will be stored until you receive confirmation of your refusal.


If you would like to receive regular news from us, you can subscribe to our newsletter. By registering, you expressly consent that your email be used for this purpose. You may withdraw this consent at any time through your profile on the site, through the link contained in the email itself, or by notifying us of your wish to unsubscribe from the newsletter of

Policy changes

Credibility may be noted, but any change is used to publish and change the page. If you have content, you can add basic parameters, any changes will be posted on the website, or you will be personally credited with the investment for the goods. Advise our users periodically to review this edition to be informed of ways you can disclose their personal information.